EDUCATION (2004 - 2015) (2012 - 2015) PhD - Doctoral. Kazakh National University. al-Farabi. Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. Research topic: “Causes and Trends in the Transformation of the State of the Ile Delta Ecosystems” (2008 - 2010) Master. Kazakh National University. alfarabi Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. Research topic: "The morphology and biochemistry of the intestines and the liver of carp and pike perch from r. Or" (2004 - 2008) Undergraduate. Kazakh National University. alfarabi Faculty of Biology. Research topic: "Improvement methods of breeding white carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) under the conditions of the Chilik pond farm ”. EXPERIENCE: (2018 - 2020) Head of the project "Study and evaluation of modern ecosystems of the delta p. Zhaiyk with the adjacent coast and the Caspian Sea, and the development of recommendations for environmentally sustainable conservation and use of natural resources of the project region ", (2016 - 2018) Researcher at the Research Institute for Ecology Problems, National University of Al-Farabi; Research work: "Ecological and biological and molecular genetic research of various species, subspecies and populations of small (Meriones) and large gerbil (Rhombomys opimus) from various regions of Kazakhstan "; (2015 - 2016) Researcher at the Research Institute for Problems of Biology and Biotechnology; National University of al-Farabi; Research work: “The current state and trends of changes in aquatic ecosystems and fish fauna of the Ile River and the western part of Lake Balkash”; (2012 - 2014) Research Fellow Research Institute of Biology and Biotechnology; National University of al-Farabi; Research work: "The current state of the biodiversity of subalpine and Alpine zones of Zailiysky and Dzhungarsky Alatau ”; (2010 - 2012) Junior Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of Ecology Problems, National University of al-Farabi; Research work: “Assessment of the current state of the ecosystems of the Ile-Balkhash region and the improvement of the principles and methods for their classification and mapping”;


Educational institution


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Academic degree

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Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Нуртазин С.Т., Шарахметов С.Е. Іле өзені атырауындағы экожүйелердің қазіргі жағдайы мен трансформациясының себебтері 2016 - г. 9 - стр. 49

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Нуртазин С.Т. Іле өзенінің бaссейнінің жер беті сулaрының лaстaнуынын зерттеуде ғaрыштaн бaқылaу әдістерін қолдaну 2016 - г. 11 - стр. 2016

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Нуртазин С.Т., Шарахметов С.Е. Іле өзені aтырaуындaғы экожүйелердің трaнсформaциясының себептері 2016 - г. 15 - стр. 46

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Нуртазин С.Т., Байбагысов А.М. 2017 - г. 12 - стр. 30

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Нуртазин С.Т. 2017 - г. 15 - стр. 207

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Нуртазин С.Т. 2017 - г. 5 - стр. 4

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

2016 - г. 18 - стр. 52

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Нуртазин С.Т. 2017 - г. 12 - стр. 30

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Байбагысов А.М., Нуртазин С.Т. 2017 - г. 4 - стр. 4

Салмұрзаұлы Руслан

Challenges to the sustainable use of water resources in the Ili River basin of Central Asia 2019 - г. 7 - стр. 81
Author Documents


137 по 106

